What are loot crates and how do i get them?
Last updated
What are loot crates and how do i get them?
Last updated
The two current ways to get a Loot Crate is to /vote daily. Click here to see how to vote.
Once you have voted and you have earned 5 points you can purchase a Vote Key.
Type /voteshop and they keys are there.
Once you type that you should see this
Type the command above /lootcrate claim to see all your key's. Think of this as your vault of all the key's you have bought or have unlocked from something :)
You can claim one key at a time or all of your keys
Once you have that finished you can right click the key that goes to a specific chest.
Some of the custom item packs that we have are furniture, armor, swords, tools, wings, cosmetic items. In these crates you will have a chance at some of those.
Currently the plan is to add them to the shop but as of typing this wiki it's not currently on there.