Information on our battlepass system
Last updated
Information on our battlepass system
Last updated
By typing /battlepass or /bp(It's red but it works) you can open up your battle pass menu
Once this menu is open you can look at the quests on the right hand side of your GUI Click the books
These Quests can be completed to gain points towards your battlepass tier
By typing /battlepass or /bp(It's red but it works) you can open up your battle pass menu
Once this menu is open you can look at the tiers on the left hand side of your GUI Click the bag
The battlepass Tiers at the top are free to everyone and when you unlock them they reward you mysterydust used for cosmetics in the gadgets store.
We offer a paid Premium Battle pass that you can find here. Once you purchase this you will be able to unlock every Tier and get double the rewards if not triple.